I'm needing a research topic for proposal that has minimum risk to participates and can be experimented. please help

Couldn't it be as simple as placing a piece of trash on the floor in a mall and see how many people pick it up and throw it away in an hour. Fake results being 12 people out 25 picked it up, 6 of the 13 who didn't pick it up didn't even look at it

How could I could I write that in a topic

Something along the lines of...

The people that pick up litter come in all shapes, sexes and colors

topic sentences need to establish the topic quickly and concisely

To find a research topic that has minimum risk to participants and can be experimented, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the general field of interest: Start by identifying the broad field or subject area you are interested in. This could be any discipline such as psychology, sociology, biology, computer science, or any other field.

Step 2: Review existing literature: Once you have identified the field, review the existing literature to gain an understanding of the current research trends, gaps, and unanswered questions. This will help you identify potential research areas.

Step 3: Consider ethical implications: To ensure minimum risk to participants, it's important to consider the ethical implications of the research. Ethical considerations often include informed consent, participant safety, confidentiality, and potential harms. Choose a research topic that does not involve intrusive procedures or pose significant risks to participants' physical or psychological well-being.

Step 4: Brainstorm potential research questions: Based on the literature review and ethical considerations, brainstorm potential research questions that can be experimented. Look for topics that allow for controlled experiments, data collection, or analysis.

Step 5: Consult with experts or mentors: Seek advice from your professors, research advisors, or experts in the field to discuss your research ideas. They can provide guidance, suggest modifications or alternative topics, and ensure that your proposed research aligns with ethical standards.

Step 6: Choose a research topic: Based on your literature review, ethical considerations, and expert advice, narrow down your options and choose a research topic that fulfills the criteria of minimum risk to participants and can be experimented.

Remember, it is crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure the chosen topic fulfills ethical standards and to design your research methodology carefully to minimize risks to the participants.