Is time earlier or later east of the Greenwich meridian?


I actually have no idea I'm searching for it too

Time east of the Greenwich meridian is later. As one travels eastward, the time generally increases by approximately one hour for every 15 degrees of longitude. This phenomenon is known as the "eastward motion of time." So, if you cross the Greenwich meridian towards the east, you will move into a time zone that is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

To determine whether the time is earlier or later east of the Greenwich Meridian, you need to understand the concept of time zones and how they are related to the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

The Greenwich Meridian, also known as the Prime Meridian, is located at 0 degrees longitude. It serves as the reference point for measuring longitude and divides the Earth into Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere. The time at the Greenwich Meridian is referred to as GMT.

As you move eastward from the Greenwich Meridian, the time generally becomes later because you are moving towards locations with higher positive longitudes. Each 15-degree increment of longitude eastward corresponds to one hour ahead of GMT. This means that for every 15 degrees you move east, the time is generally one hour later.

For example, if you are at a location with a longitude of 30 degrees east, the time would generally be two hours later than GMT, as you are two 15-degree increments east of the Greenwich Meridian.

It's important to note that there are exceptions and variations due to political boundaries and time zone adjustments made by different countries. Some countries may choose to have different time zones that do not strictly follow the 15-degree increment rule.

To get the exact and current time in a specific location east of the Greenwich Meridian, you can use online resources such as world clocks or time zone converters. These tools can provide you with the accurate time difference between GMT and your desired location.