How can lime be used yo improve the quality of soil degraded by industrial pollution?

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To improve the quality of soil degraded by industrial pollution, lime can be used as a soil amendment. Lime, also known as agricultural lime or calcium carbonate, can help neutralize soil acidity and enhance nutrient availability. Here's how lime can be used:

1. Test the soil: Before applying lime, it's essential to know the pH level and other soil characteristics. A soil test can be conducted to determine the pH and identify any nutrient deficiencies.

2. Determine the lime requirement: The soil test results will provide recommendations on the amount of lime needed to raise the pH level. This information is usually provided in terms of pounds of lime per acre or square footage.

3. Choose the right type of lime: There are different types of lime, including calcitic lime (high in calcium carbonate) and dolomitic lime (contains calcium and magnesium carbonates). Dolomitic lime is often preferred for soil amendment since it corrects magnesium deficiency as well.

4. Apply lime: Lime can be applied to the soil using various methods such as broadcasting, banding, or incorporating it into the soil. The application method will depend on the soil condition, crop type, and lime requirements.

5. Incorporate lime into the soil: After application, it's essential to incorporate the lime into the soil to ensure proper distribution. Tilling the soil or using agricultural equipment can help mix the lime evenly.

6. Monitor the pH levels: Regularly monitor the pH levels of the soil to determine if further lime applications are needed. It often takes some time for the lime's effects to be fully realized, so be patient and retest the soil periodically.

By using lime to neutralize soil acidity, it can help create a more favorable environment for plant growth, enhance nutrient availability, and promote the recovery of degraded soils. However, it's important to note that lime application is just one approach, and additional measures might be required depending on the extent of industrial pollution and specific soil conditions.