Final project

Which is currency converter by camera from € to £ for example
And not need to be perfect program so simple as my teacher told me and by java language
So its like making an application then write the report 6300 around that

To create a currency converter by using a camera to convert € to £, you can follow these steps:

1. Set up your development environment: Download and install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer. You can find it on the official Oracle website.

2. Choose a programming framework: You can use an open-source library like OpenCV, which provides computer vision capabilities, to capture and process images from the camera. OpenCV is popularly used for image processing tasks in Java.

3. Configure your project: Create a new Java project using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. Add the OpenCV library to your project by referencing its JAR files.

4. Access the camera feed: Use the OpenCV library to access the camera feed. Capture frames from the camera and display them on the application's user interface.

5. Detect and localize currency symbols: Apply image processing techniques to detect and localize the € symbol within the frames captured from the camera feed. OpenCV provides various methods for feature detection, contour detection, or template matching, which can be used for this purpose.

6. Extract and analyze the currency value: Once the € symbol is detected, use image processing techniques to extract the numerical value associated with it. You can use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithms or other image processing techniques to accomplish this task.

7. Convert currency: Use the current exchange rate between € and £ to calculate the equivalent amount in pounds. You can either access an online currency exchange rate API or manually update the exchange rate within your application.

8. Display the converted currency value: Update the user interface to show the converted currency value in pounds.

9. Test and debug: Ensure that your application is working as expected by testing it using different scenarios, image qualities, and lighting conditions. Debug any issues that may arise during the testing process.

10. Write the report: Once your application is complete, write a report summarizing your project. Include the motivation behind your approach, the techniques used, any challenges faced, and the results achieved. Additionally, document any improvements or future enhancements that could be made to further develop the currency converter application.

Remember, a simple implementation is more important for your final project, so focus on the core functionality of the currency conversion and its integration with the camera feed.