What is the equation for finding the projection of vector u onto vector v without using an angle theta?

can someone plz help me?

Should be in your textbook.

projection of vector u onto vector v
= (u dot v)/|v|

isn't the equation [(u dot v)/lvl^2]v

To find the projection of vector u onto vector v without using an angle theta, you can use the concept of dot product. The dot product of two vectors is defined as the product of their magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between them.

The equation for finding the projection of vector u onto vector v is as follows:

projv(u) = (u · v / ||v||^2) * v

Let's break down the equation:

1. u · v represents the dot product of vectors u and v.
2. ||v|| represents the magnitude (or length) of vector v.
3. ||v||^2 represents the squared magnitude of vector v.

So, to find the projection of vector u onto vector v, you divide the dot product of u and v by the squared magnitude of v, and then multiply that result by vector v.

To solve this equation using numerical values, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the dot product of u and v.
2. Calculate the squared magnitude of v.
3. Divide the dot product by the squared magnitude of v.
4. Multiply the result by vector v.

Finally, you will obtain the projection of vector u onto vector v.