How long will it take to fill 6 similar tanks completely with water? Give your answer in hours and minutes

To calculate the time it would take to fill 6 similar tanks completely with water, we need to know the rate at which the tanks are being filled. Let's assume the rate of filling one tank is X tanks per hour.

In this case, if one tank takes X hours to fill, then it would take X * 6 hours to fill 6 tanks. We can convert this number into hours and minutes.

Let's say X = Y hours, where Y is an integer.

Therefore, it would take Y * 6 hours to fill 6 tanks.

To convert this into hours and minutes, we can divide the total time in minutes by 60 to get the number of hours, and take the remainder as the number of minutes.

So the total time to fill 6 tanks would be Y * 6 hours and 0 minutes, since there is no remaining time.

Note: Without knowing the rate of filling (X tanks per hour), it is not possible to provide an exact time in hours and minutes.