Please help me solve this Riddle:

What is a pair of two, black and white you'll get 6?

two pair of twins, black and white, make a family of six.

its not 6 it would be 8. 2 pair of white= 4

2 pair of black= 4. 4+4

A man stole 100$ from the store. Came back the next day and spent 70$ at the same store and the store owner gave back 30$. How much did the store lose.

Two guys standing out in the snow. First guy says geez it must be only 2 dgs maybe 1 dgs second guy says oh’s closer to -8 or so?

Twin Is Older Than His Brother, Despite Being Born Later

To solve this riddle, we need to think of something that comes in pairs, one black and one white, and their total is 6. Let's break it down:

Since we are looking for a pair of two, let's call these two things "X" and "Y." Now we know that both X and Y are black and white. Let's assign values to represent the number of black and white items for each:

X has B black items and W white items,
Y has B black items and W white items.

Since we are trying to find the sum of X and Y, we can add the black and white items separately:

The sum of the black items is B + B,
The sum of the white items is W + W.

Given that the total sum of X and Y is 6, we can write an equation:

(B + B) + (W + W) = 6.

Simplifying the equation, we have:

2B + 2W = 6.

Dividing both sides by 2:

B + W = 3.

Now let's think of different combinations of black and white items that could satisfy this equation. Here are a few possibilities:

- X has 2 black items and Y has 1 white item: (2 + 2) + (0 + 1) = 5.
- X has 1 black item and Y has 2 white items: (1 + 1) + (0 + 2) = 4.
- X has 0 black items and Y has 3 white items: (0 + 0) + (0 + 3) = 3.

None of these combinations result in a sum of 6 for X and Y. So, we need to rethink our approach.

Let's try a different strategy to solve this riddle. Instead of interpreting "black and white" as colors, let's consider binary digits. In binary, 0 represents white and 1 represents black.

Now, thinking about a pair of two in binary, we have possibilities like 00, 01, 10, or 11.

If we consider the sum of these binary pairs, we get:

- 00 + 00 = 0 (which does not fit the condition of 6),
- 00 + 01 = 1 (also not 6),
- 00 + 10 = 2 (still not 6),
- 01 + 01 = 2 (again, not 6),
- 01 + 10 = 3 (not 6),
- 10 + 10 = 4 (still not 6),
- 11 + 11 = 6!

Finally, we have found the solution! The pair of two, represented as binary numbers, is "11," which in decimal form is 3. Therefore, the answer to the riddle is 3.

So, a pair of two black and white items that gives us a sum of 6 is actually "11" in binary or 3 in decimal.