Recent, humor, profile, linen, smoky, legal, comet, shiver, minus, loser, punish, cavern, local, decent, vacant, and panic follows the v/vc pattern or the vc/v pattern.

If "v/vc" means there are two vowels followed by a consonant, I don't see any such words in this list.

If "vc/v" means there is a consonant between two vowels, then all of these words fit that pattern.



To determine if a word follows the v/vc pattern or the vc/v pattern, we need to analyze the consonant and vowel sounds in each word. In the v/vc pattern, a word typically starts with a vowel followed by a consonant-vowel combination. In the vc/v pattern, a word starts with a consonant followed by a vowel-consonant combination.

Let's go through the given words and classify them:

1. Recent - v/vc pattern (re-cent)
2. Humor - vc/v pattern (hu-mor)
3. Profile - v/vc pattern (pro-file)
4. Linen - v/vc pattern (li-nen)
5. Smoky - v/vc pattern (smo-ky)
6. Legal - vc/v pattern (le-gal)
7. Comet - v/vc pattern (co-met)
8. Shiver - v/vc pattern (shi-ver)
9. Minus - vc/v pattern (mi-nus)
10. Loser - vc/v pattern (lo-ser)
11. Punish - v/vc pattern (pu-nish)
12. Cavern - v/vc pattern (ca-vern)
13. Local - v/vc pattern (lo-cal)
14. Decent - v/vc pattern (de-cent)
15. Vacant - v/vc pattern (va-cant)
16. Panic - v/vc pattern (pa-nic)

Based on this analysis, we can see that all of the words follow either the v/vc pattern or the vc/v pattern.