1. How do you pronounce 'helpful'?

It's a little difficult to pronounce, so we can delete the 'p' sound in normal pronunciation. Is that right?

No, you need to keep the "p" sound in there. Otherwise it sounds like "hel-ful" and that is incorrect. You may have to practice it as if it's two words for quite a while before it comes more easily.

To pronounce the word "helpful," you do not delete the 'p' sound. The correct pronunciation is "help-full."

Here's how you can break it down:

1. "Help" - Pronounce this part as "help," emphasizing the 'h' sound at the beginning.
2. "Full" - Pronounce this part as "full," rhyming with words like "bull" or "dull."

It's important not to skip or delete any sounds when pronouncing words. Remember to practice slowly and gradually increase your speed to achieve a natural and clear pronunciation.