Which synonym for fear most strongly suggests a fear that causes one to freeze in terror?


I say D


The synonym for fear that most strongly suggests a fear that causes one to freeze in terror is "Panic."

To determine which synonym for fear most strongly suggests a fear that causes one to freeze in terror, we can analyze the meanings of each option:

1. Alarm: While alarm implies a sudden onset of fear or anxiety, it does not necessarily convey the idea of freezing in terror. Instead, it implies a state of heightened awareness or concern.

2. Dread: Dread carries a sense of intense apprehension or fear, often accompanied by a feeling of inevitability. It suggests a fear that may be paralyzing or immobilizing, but it does not explicitly imply freezing in terror.

3. Fright: Fright implies a sudden and intense fear that may startle or shock someone. It can make someone freeze momentarily due to the unexpectedness of the fear, but it does not necessarily imply a prolonged state of freezing in terror.

4. Panic: Panic, on the other hand, suggests an overwhelming fear or terror that causes one to freeze or become unable to think or act clearly. It conveys the strongest sense of being immobilized by fear.

Based on these explanations, "panic" is the synonym that most strongly suggests a fear that causes one to freeze in terror.

I agree.