A defective clock is set correctly at 12 nn.However it registers only fifteen mins. for each hr.In how many hr.will it again register the correct time?

To answer this question, we need to understand the time difference between the defective clock and the correct time. We know that the defective clock registers only 15 minutes for each hour, instead of the full 60 minutes.

By determining the time difference between the defective clock and the correct time, we can calculate how many hours it would take for the defective clock to catch up and register the correct time.

Let's analyze the problem step by step:

1. Identify the time difference:
- The defective clock registers 15 minutes for each hour.
- The correct time moves 60 minutes for each hour.
- Therefore, the time difference between the defective clock and the correct time is 60 - 15 = 45 minutes per hour.

2. Calculate the number of hours it will take for the defective clock to register the correct time:
- Since the defective clock is gaining 45 minutes every hour, we can divide the 60 minutes in an hour by the 45-minute gain to find out how many hours it will take:
- 60 minutes / 45 minutes = 1.33 hours.

So, it will take approximately 1.33 hours for the defective clock to register the correct time again. Keep in mind that this is an approximation since we're dealing with fractions of an hour.