1. You and Tom didn't attend the meeting, did you?

2. You, he and I are good friends, aren't we?

3. Tom and I are good students, aren't we?

4. Tom and Ted are good lawyers, aren't they?
Are the tag questions all grammatical? Can we use other kinds of tag questions?

All are correct, yes.


Yes, the tag questions in all four sentences are grammatically correct. They all follow the pattern of using a negative statement followed by a positive tag question, or vice versa.

However, there are other kinds of tag questions that can be used as well. Here are some examples:

1. Positive statement + negative tag question:
- You went to the store, didn't you?
- They arrived early, didn't they?

2. Negative statement + positive tag question:
- He doesn't like cats, does he?
- They won't be late, will they?

3. Positive statement + positive tag question:
- She plays the piano, doesn't she?
- You know the answer, don't you?

4. Negative statement + negative tag question:
- They didn't finish the project, did they?
- We aren't going to the party, are we?

So, while the tag questions in the provided sentences are grammatically correct, there are different forms of tag questions that can be used depending on the context and the intended meaning.