what value in amercan history is most fundimental to the us polititcal system?

indivudual rights

social conformity *******

national security

freedom from rule

Absolutely not!

Are you 100% clear on the meanings of those four terms? Be sure to use a good dictionary to look them up.

1794 cotton gin eli whithey patented the cotton gin to ____

I need help

The value that is most fundamental to the US political system is individual rights. Individual rights are central to the principles on which the United States was founded and are enshrined in the US Constitution. These rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, ensure that individuals have the freedom to express themselves, participate in the political process, and protect themselves from the abuse of government power.

To understand why individual rights are foundational to the US political system, you can examine the historical context and the principles outlined in the US Constitution. The Constitution was written to establish a limited government that would protect individual liberties and prevent the abuse of power. The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, further reinforces these individual rights by explicitly stating that government shall not infringe upon them.

Individual rights are essential for a functioning democracy as they provide citizens with the ability to express their opinions, vote freely, and engage in public discourse without fear of persecution. They also ensure the protection of minority viewpoints and prevent the majority from suppressing the rights of marginalized groups.

So, while social conformity, national security, and freedom from rule are important aspects of the US political system, individual rights stand out as the most fundamental value that underpins the entire system.