the current liabilities of mohit ltd.are Rs. 150000 and its current ratio is 3:1 and liquid ratio is 1:1 . Calculate the value of current assets ,liquid assets and stock of Mohit Ltd.

To calculate the value of current assets, liquid assets, and stock of Mohit Ltd., we can use the given information and ratios.

1. Current Ratio:
The current ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Here, the current ratio is given as 3:1. Let's assume the current assets as 3x and current liabilities as x.
So, 3x/x = 3/1, which means x = Rs. 150,000.

Therefore, the value of current assets = 3x = 3 * Rs. 150,000 = Rs. 450,000.

2. Liquid Ratio:
The liquid ratio is calculated by dividing liquid assets by current liabilities. The liquid ratio is given as 1:1. Let's assume liquid assets as y.
So, y/x = 1/1, which means y = x = Rs. 150,000. (Since x was calculated as Rs. 150,000 in the previous step.)

Therefore, the value of liquid assets = y = Rs. 150,000.

3. Stock of Mohit Ltd.:
To find the value of stock, we subtract the value of liquid assets from the value of current assets.
Stock = Current assets - Liquid assets
= Rs. 450,000 - Rs. 150,000
= Rs. 300,000.

Therefore, the value of stock of Mohit Ltd. is Rs. 300,000.