
A metal cube weighs 5/9kg and its volume is 40 5/6cm3. How much does it weigh per 1cm3?

5/9kg to .555kg
40 5/6cm3 to 40.833cm3

.555kg / 40.833cm3 = .0135

1cm3 weighs .0135kg

Is this correct?
Thank you.

(5/9) / x = (245/6) / 1

245x/6 = 5/9
245x = 6(5/9) = 10/3
x = 10/735 = 2/147 or appr .0136

1 cm^3 weighs 2/147 kg

you are correct,
notice that since the original data was given in exact fractions, it might be a good idea to state the answer as a fraction

Thank you, Reiny.

I'm wondering with the way you did the problem, where did you get the number 245 from?

40 5/6 = 240/6 + 5/6

= 245/6

review how to change a mixed fraction to a usable fraction.

I appreciate the help, Reiny. I will review about usable fractions.

Yes, your answer is correct. To find the weight per 1cm3, you need to divide the weight of the cube (in kg) by its volume (in cm3). By converting the given numbers to decimal form, we have 5/9kg is equal to 0.555kg and 40 5/6cm3 is equal to 40.833cm3. Dividing 0.555kg by 40.833cm3 gives us approximately 0.0135kg. Therefore, the weight per 1cm3 of the metal cube is 0.0135kg.