Match the following items.

1. Judiciary Act
2. Alien Enemies Act
3. Naturalization Act
4. Alien and Sedition Acts
5. Sedition Act
6. Alien Act

A. permitted president to imprison or deport dangerous aliens in time of war
B. an effort to preserve Federalist principles
C. authorized fines up to $5,000 for those hindering government operation
D. foreigners had to live in U.S. 14 years before becoming citizens
E. were considered a costly mistake
F. permitted the President to deport aliens whom he judged "dangerous"

What I think

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history . com /news/the-birth-of-ok-175-years-ago

1. Judiciary Act - B. an effort to preserve Federalist principles

2. Alien Enemies Act - F. permitted the President to deport aliens whom he judged "dangerous"
3. Naturalization Act - D. foreigners had to live in U.S. 14 years before becoming citizens
4. Alien and Sedition Acts - E. were considered a costly mistake
5. Sedition Act - C. authorized fines up to $5,000 for those hindering government operation
6. Alien Act - A. permitted president to imprison or deport dangerous aliens in time of war

To match the items correctly, you can analyze the descriptions of each act and match them accordingly. Here is the correct matching:

1. Judiciary Act - B. an effort to preserve Federalist principles
2. Alien Enemies Act - F. permitted the President to deport aliens whom he judged "dangerous"
3. Naturalization Act - D. foreigners had to live in U.S. 14 years before becoming citizens
4. Alien and Sedition Acts - E. were considered a costly mistake
5. Sedition Act - C. authorized fines up to $5,000 for those hindering government operation
6. Alien Act - A. permitted president to imprison or deport dangerous aliens in time of war