if out of two

numbers, one number is
increased by 10% and other
number by 20%,find percentage
increase in the product of the
two numbers


looks like 31 percent

To find the percentage increase in the product of two numbers, you need to follow these steps:

1. Assume the two numbers are x and y.
2. Calculate the product of the two numbers: p = x * y.
3. Increase one number by 10%: x_new = x + (0.10 * x) = 1.10 * x.
4. Increase the other number by 20%: y_new = y + (0.20 * y) = 1.20 * y.
5. Calculate the new product: p_new = x_new * y_new = (1.10 * x) * (1.20 * y).
6. Calculate the percentage increase in the product:
percentage_increase = ((p_new - p) / p) * 100.

Let's calculate the percentage increase in the product:

- One number is increased by 10%, so the new value of x is 1.10 * x.
- The other number is increased by 20%, so the new value of y is 1.20 * y.

Let's assume the initial numbers are x = 100 and y = 200:
- The initial product, p = 100 * 200 = 20,000.
- The new product, p_new = (1.10 * 100) * (1.20 * 200) = 132 * 240 = 31,680.

Now, we can calculate the percentage increase in the product:
percentage_increase = ((p_new - p) / p) * 100
= ((31,680 - 20,000) / 20,000) * 100
= (11,680 / 20,000) * 100
= 0.584 * 100
= 58.4%.

Therefore, the percentage increase in the product of the two numbers is 58.4%.