If the density of Hg is 13.53 and 62.5 respectively. How many grams,moles,atoms of Hg do you have?

To determine the number of grams, moles, and atoms of Hg, you will need to have the mass and the molar mass of Hg.

First, let's understand the given information. It seems there might be a mistake in the question since two different densities are mentioned for Hg. Density is defined as mass per unit volume. It is usually given in units of g/cm^3 or g/mL. However, it seems like the values given as 13.53 and 62.5 might not be densities but could be the mass (in grams) of two different samples of Hg. Please clarify the question, and provide the correct densities or any additional information if available.

Once we have the correct density, we can proceed to calculate the grams, moles, and atoms of Hg.

The steps to calculate grams, moles, and atoms are as follows:

1. Determine the mass in grams of the given sample of Hg.

2. Convert the mass in grams of Hg to moles using the molar mass of Hg.

3. Use Avogadro's number to convert moles of Hg to atoms.

Here is the general process:

1. Given data:
- Mass of Hg (g) = m

2. Calculate moles of Hg:
- Molar mass of Hg (g/mole) = M
- Moles of Hg (mol) = m / M

3. Calculate atoms of Hg:
- Avogadro's number (atoms/mole) = N
- Atoms of Hg (atoms) = moles of Hg x N

Please provide the correct information, and I will guide you through the calculations.