death valley has elevation of -282 feet relative to sea level. Explain how to use absolute value to describe the elevation of death valley as a positive interger

To use absolute value to describe the elevation of Death Valley as a positive integer, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the concept of absolute value:
The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on a number line, regardless of whether the number is positive or negative. The absolute value of a positive number is the number itself, and the absolute value of a negative number is its positive counterpart. For example, the absolute value of -5 is 5, and the absolute value of 5 is also 5.

Step 2: Determine the negative elevation:
Given that the elevation of Death Valley is -282 feet relative to sea level, we know that it is a negative value.

Step 3: Apply absolute value:
To convert the negative elevation to a positive integer, you would take the absolute value of -282. This would yield a positive value of 282 since the absolute value of any negative number is always positive.

Therefore, the absolute value of the elevation of Death Valley is 282 feet.