Factorise 2(x-1)-4(x-1)

why not just add them up?

= -2(x-1)


-2x+2 or -2(x-1)

To factorize the expression 2(x - 1) - 4(x - 1), we can use the distributive property.

Step 1: Distribute the coefficients to the terms inside the brackets.
2(x - 1) - 4(x - 1)
= 2x - 2 - 4x + 4

Step 2: Combine like terms.
= (2x - 4x) + (-2 + 4)
= -2x + 2

So, the factorized form of 2(x - 1) - 4(x - 1) is -2x + 2.