Alex is making homemade cereal. For every 3 cups of granola, he adds 1 cup of dried cranberries. If he uses a total of 3 cups of dried cranberries, how many cups of granola are in the cereal?

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cran/gran = 1/3

1/3 = 3/x

x = 9

To find out how many cups of granola are in the cereal, we need to find the ratio between the granola and the dried cranberries. The given ratio is 3 cups of granola to 1 cup of dried cranberries.

Since Alex used a total of 3 cups of dried cranberries, we can set up a proportion to determine the corresponding amount of granola.

If x represents the number of cups of granola, we have:

3 cups of granola / 1 cup of dried cranberries = x cups of granola / 3 cups of dried cranberries

This can be simplified to:

3/1 = x/3

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

1 * x = 3 * 3

x = 9

Therefore, there are 9 cups of granola in the cereal.