Combine like terms(same variable to the same power)

Simplify: 3a^3b+4a^2b^2-7a^3b+2ab-5a^2b^2+10a^3b

a^3b(3-7+10)+a^2b(4-5)+2ab check me.


To combine like terms, we need to add or subtract terms that have the same variable(s) raised to the same power(s). In this case, we have terms with variables a and b raised to the powers of 3, 2, and 1.

Let's group the terms with the same variables and powers together:
(3a^3b - 7a^3b + 10a^3b) + (4a^2b^2 - 5a^2b^2) + (2ab)

Combining the terms within each group, we get:
(6a^3b) + (-a^2b^2) + (2ab)

Therefore, the simplified expression is:
6a^3b - a^2b^2 + 2ab