What course can I do after high school if I have these subjects?


I want to know what kind of work should i do

i seriously need help im doing grade 12.ineed to apply

To determine which course you can pursue after high school based on the subjects you have, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subjects you have taken in high school and note down their names.

2. Decide on the field or area of study you are interested in. This could include options like science, arts, commerce, engineering, medicine, law, computer science, etc.

3. Research the prerequisites for the courses or programs in the field you are interested in. These prerequisites are usually listed on the websites of universities, colleges, or vocational institutions.

4. Compare your subjects with the prerequisites of the courses you are interested in. Look for matches between the subjects you have taken and the required subjects for admission or enrollment.

5. List the courses or programs that align with the subjects you have taken. This will give you an idea of your options.

6. Consult with career counselors at your high school or college for further guidance. They can help you make informed decisions based on your interests, strengths, and career goals.

Remember, admission criteria and prerequisites may vary depending on the institution and country, so it's essential to do thorough research specific to your situation.