Noted early childhood experts worry that preschool reading-skill instruction activities may:

A. reduce play time.

B. intimidate parents.

C. accelerate mental growth.

D. lead kindergartners

My answer A please help

I agree with you, although I have no idea who these experts are!

I also agree. You can't play AND work at the same time. But I have to agree with Writeacher, who are these experts?

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and consider each option:

Option A: reduce play time.
Early childhood experts may worry that preschool reading-skill instruction activities could reduce play time. To confirm this, you would need to research the concerns or opinions of early childhood experts regarding the impact of these activities on playtime. This might involve reading relevant articles, studies, or expert opinions through books, academic journals, or online resources. By exploring the perspectives of early childhood experts, you can determine whether reducing playtime is a potential consequence of preschool reading-skill instruction activities.

Option B: intimidate parents.
Early childhood experts may also have concerns about preschool reading-skill instruction activities potentially intimidating parents. To find out if this concern is valid, you could again conduct research by reading articles, studies, or expert opinions. Look for information on how these activities might influence or impact parents' feelings or experiences. By reviewing credible sources, you can gather information to determine if intimidating parents is a potential consequence of preschool reading-skill instructions.

Option C: accelerate mental growth.
Preschool reading-skill instruction activities might also have the benefit of accelerating mental growth. This option suggests a positive outcome of such activities. To confirm this, you can explore academic research, scientific studies, scholarly articles, or expert opinions. Look for evidence that supports the claim that preschool reading-skill instruction activities can indeed speed up mental development. By examining reputable and reliable sources, you can determine if accelerating mental growth is a potential result of these activities.

Option D: lead kindergartners.
It seems that the last part of option D is missing from the question. It is unclear what outcome or situation the option is referring to. If you have the complete option, please provide the missing part for a more accurate analysis.

In summary, to determine the correct option, conduct research by reviewing credible sources like books, academic journals, or online resources. Look for information on the concerns or benefits of preschool reading-skill instruction activities as raised by early childhood experts. Evaluating expert opinions and evidence will help you arrive at the most accurate answer.