Sherry spent 1/5 of her money on school supplies and 3/8 of the remainder on a CD player. She had $25 left. How much money did she have at first? do not use algebra

4/5 M remains after she bought school stukff

5/8*4/5 M remains and is equal to 25

Monkey is not good

A man spent 3/8 of his money and $720 is still left

To solve this problem without using algebra, we can use a logical approach and work backward.

Step 1: Determine the amount of money Sherry had after buying the CD player.
Since we know Sherry had $25 left after buying the CD player, we can figure out how much money she spent on the CD player itself. We are told that Sherry spent 3/8 of the remainder of her money on the CD player. So, if we let x represent the remainder of her money after buying school supplies, we have:

3/8 * x = $25

Step 2: Solve for the remainder of the money.
Multiply both sides of the equation by 8/3 to isolate x:

x = $25 * 8/3

Performing the calculation, we find that x = $200/3 or approximately $66.67.

Step 3: Determine the amount of money Sherry had at the beginning.
Since x represents the remainder of her money after buying school supplies, she spent 1/5 of her money on school supplies. If we let y represent the amount of money Sherry had initially, we have:

y - 1/5 * y = x

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 5/4 to isolate y:

5/4 * (y - 1/5 * y) = x * 5/4

Simplifying the equation:

y - 1/4 * y = x * 5/4

Combining like terms:

3/4 * y = x * 5/4

Now, substitute the value of x we found in step 2:

3/4 * y = $66.67 * 5/4

Performing the calculation, we find that 3/4 * y = $83.34.

Step 4: Solve for the initial amount of money.
Multiply both sides of the equation by 4/3 to isolate y:

4/3 * (3/4 * y) = y

Performing the calculation:

4/3 * ($83.34) = y

y ≈ $111.12

Therefore, Sherry had approximately $111.12 at first.