how much limestone would be required to change the ph value from 4 to 4.5 in 20000 cubic of water?

To calculate the amount of limestone required to change the pH value from 4 to 4.5 in 20,000 cubic units of water, we need to know the initial pH value of the limestone and the amount of limestone needed to change the pH by 0.5 units per unit of water.

First, we need to determine the amount of limestone needed to change the pH by 0.5 units in 1 cubic unit of water. This information can be obtained from laboratory tests or published data, as it depends on the specific composition and characteristics of the limestone.

Once we have this value, we can calculate the amount of limestone required to change the pH value in 1 cubic unit of water:
Amount of limestone per cubic unit of water = (0.5 units of pH change) / (limestone efficiency factor)

Once we have the amount of limestone required per cubic unit of water, we can calculate the total amount of limestone needed for 20,000 cubic units of water:
Total amount of limestone = Amount of limestone per cubic unit of water × 20,000

Keep in mind that this is a simplified explanation and actual calculations may require additional factors such as buffering capacity and dissolution rates of limestone. Consulting with a water treatment expert or conducting laboratory tests is recommended for accurate results.