4. Which of the following is not a reason why populations rise in particular places?

A. Globalization and Capitalism
B. Imperialism and Colonialism
C. Famine and Drought
D. Mercantilism and Industrialization
E. Modernaization and Urbanization
Answer : C
5. Paul Ehrlich, Thomas Malthus, and Ester Boserup believed that the world's population was increasing to quickly and outpacing our food production.
Answer : true

Ms. Sue, can you explain how 4 isn't C? And I wasn't sure if 5 was true because I thought at first it was but then I think Ester Boserup had a different belief then Paul and Thomas

Why would anyone settle in a place that had famine and drought?

5 is true.

It said not a reason but all the other reasons are why populations would rise

Populations rise where people have adequate water and can grow sufficient food to feed themselves.

I'm confused.. If it's asking Which is not a reason why populations rise wouldn't it be famine? Wouldnt the other answer choices be reasons why populations would rise?

Let's break down question 4 first. The question asks which of the options is NOT a reason why populations rise in particular places. To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate each option.

A. Globalization and Capitalism: These factors can contribute to population growth by attracting people to areas with increased economic opportunities. Therefore, this is a potential reason for population rise in particular places.

B. Imperialism and Colonialism: Historically, when countries colonized others and established imperial rule, it often led to population growth in the colonized areas due to various factors such as migration and economic exploitation. Thus, this can also be a reason for population rise in particular places.

C. Famine and Drought: This option suggests that famine and drought are not reasons for population rise. However, these extreme conditions lead to the opposite effect, often causing a decrease in population due to food scarcity and water shortages. Therefore, this option is the correct answer as it is NOT a reason for population rise in particular places.

D. Mercantilism and Industrialization: Both mercantilism and industrialization can result in urbanization and economic growth, attracting people to specific areas and contributing to population rise. Therefore, this is a plausible reason for population increase.

E. Modernization and Urbanization: Similar to the previous options, modernization and urbanization can lead to population rise due to increased opportunities in urban areas. Hence, this is another potential reason.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the correct answer is C because famine and drought typically do not lead to population rise.

Moving on to question 5, your interpretation of the beliefs of Paul Ehrlich, Thomas Malthus, and Ester Boserup is correct. They all believed that the world's population was increasing too quickly and potentially surpassing our capacity to produce sufficient food resources. Consequently, the correct answer is TRUE.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!