what should people do if a government is not protecting natural rights?

Vote. Rebel. Emigrate.

Okay. Thank you!!

I have a question though the question is what you should do. Should you rebel?

Our forefathers rebelled in 1776 because Britain was not protecting natural rights.

It all depends on the local situation. One person rebelling seldom brings change, but if enough people rebel, by refusing to comply with a law, for example, or even take up arms, change is possible (but not guaranteed). If there are free elections, voting for candidates that reflect your views is a good thing to do. Packing up and leaving to go to a better place is often possible, too, if there is no hope of changing things where one is.

If a government is not protecting natural rights, individuals and communities can take the following actions:

1. Raise awareness: Educate people about their natural rights and the government's duty to protect them. This can be done through public discussions, social media campaigns, or organizing events or protests to highlight the issue.

2. Peaceful protest: Organize peaceful demonstrations to express dissatisfaction with the government's failure to protect natural rights. This can include marches, sit-ins, or public gatherings to raise awareness and put pressure on the government to take action.

3. Engage in civil disobedience: In cases where peaceful methods have failed, some individuals may choose to engage in acts of civil disobedience to highlight the government's wrongdoing. This can include non-violent acts of resistance, such as refusal to obey unjust laws or policies.

4. Seek legal remedies: Explore legal options to challenge the government's actions or inactions. This might involve filing lawsuits, seeking injunctions, or utilizing available legal mechanisms to hold the government accountable for its failure to protect natural rights.

5. Advocacy and lobbying: Engage with legislators, policymakers, and influential individuals to promote laws and regulations that protect natural rights. This can involve writing letters, organizing meetings, or supporting advocacy groups that work towards the protection of these rights.

6. International pressure: Seek assistance and support from other nations, international organizations, or human rights groups. Bringing international attention to the government's failure to protect natural rights can exert pressure and influence on the government to take corrective action.

7. Grassroots movements: Create or join grassroots movements that focus on defending natural rights. By building a strong and united front, individuals can amplify their voices, share resources, and work together towards achieving a common goal.

It's important to note that while these actions can be effective in certain situations, they may also come with risks. It's crucial to assess the specific circumstances, consider the potential consequences, and choose the appropriate course of action accordingly.