The first Englishman who wanted to build a “future Eden” where luxurious items, such as coffee, tea, figs currants, olives, rice and silk, would be produced. This paradise was to be called

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The first Englishman who wanted to build a "future Eden" where luxurious items, such as coffee, tea, figs, currants, olives, rice, and silk would be produced was Sir Thomas Gresham. His plan was to establish trading connections with countries that produced these exotic goods and cultivate them in England, creating a self-sufficient paradise.

To find this information, you can start by conducting a search using a search engine like Google. Typing in relevant keywords such as "Englishman who wanted to build a future Eden" or "historical figures interested in exotic goods production in England" can help you find sources that discuss Sir Thomas Gresham and his vision. Look for reputable sources such as history books, articles, or scholarly journals that provide detailed information about his efforts to establish a self-sufficient paradise in England.