Draw the flowchart or pseudocode for an application that allows a user to enter the price of an item and computes 8 percent sales tax on the item.

main() {

float x = get_user_input();
x * .08;
return x;

To create a flowchart or pseudocode for this application, you can follow these steps:

1. Start
2. Prompt the user to enter the price of the item
3. Read the price entered by the user
4. Calculate the sales tax by multiplying the price by 8% (0.08)
5. Add the sales tax to the price to get the total price
6. Display the total price with the sales tax
7. Stop

Here's a visual representation of the flowchart:

| Start |
| Enter the |
| price |
| Read the |
| price |
| Calculate the |
| sales tax |
| Add sales tax to |
| the price |
| Display total |
| price with tax |
| Stop |

Here's a pseudocode representation of the algorithm:

PRINT "Enter the price of the item: "
READ price
salesTax = price * 0.08
total = price + salesTax
PRINT "Total price with sales tax: ", total

You can implement this flowchart or pseudocode in the programming language of your choice.