Consider the system of components connected as in the accompanying picture. Components 1 and 2 are connected in parallel, so that subsystem works if and only if either 1 or 2 works; since 3 and 4 are connected in series, that subsystem works if and only if both 3 and 4 work. If components work independently of one another and P(component i works) = 0.83 for i = 1, 2 and = 0.66 for i = 3, 4,

calculate P(system works).

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To calculate the probability that the system works, we need to consider the probabilities of the different scenarios where the system can work.

First, let's consider the scenario where both components 1 and 2 work. Since they are connected in parallel, the probability of this scenario happening is the product of their individual probabilities:

P(1 and 2 work) = P(component 1 works) * P(component 2 works) = 0.83 * 0.83 = 0.6889

Next, let's consider the scenario where components 3 and 4 work. Since they are connected in series, the probability of this scenario happening is the product of their individual probabilities:

P(3 and 4 work) = P(component 3 works) * P(component 4 works) = 0.66 * 0.66 = 0.4356

Now, since components 1 and 2 are connected in parallel, the system works if either scenario 1 or scenario 2 happens. Therefore, we need to calculate P(system works) by adding the probabilities of scenario 1 and scenario 2:

P(system works) = P(1 and 2 work) + P(3 and 4 work) - P(1 and 2 work) * P(3 and 4 work)

P(system works) = 0.6889 + 0.4356 - (0.6889 * 0.4356) = 0.6889 + 0.4356 - 0.2998

P(system works) = 0.8247

Therefore, the probability that the system works is approximately 0.8247.

To calculate the probability that the system works, we need to consider the probabilities of each subsystem working.

Let's start by calculating the probability that subsystem 3 and 4 work. Since they are connected in series, both components need to work for the subsystem to work. We can calculate this probability using the multiplication rule for independent events:

P(subsystem 3 and 4 work) = P(component 3 works) * P(component 4 works)
= 0.66 * 0.66
= 0.4356

Next, let's calculate the probability that either component 1 or 2 work. Since they are connected in parallel, if either component works, the subsystem will work. We can use the addition rule for mutually exclusive events:

P(subsystem 1 or 2 work) = P(component 1 works) + P(component 2 works)
= 0.83 + 0.83
= 1.66

However, the probability cannot be greater than 1, so we need to adjust this probability. Since the events are mutually exclusive, we can limit the probability to 1 using the formula:

P(subsystem 1 or 2 work) = min(P(component 1 works) + P(component 2 works), 1)
= min(0.83 + 0.83, 1)
= min(1.66, 1)
= 1

Now, we need to calculate the probability that both subsystem 3 and 4 work, and either subsystem 1 or 2 work. Since these subsystems are connected in series, both subsystems need to work for the system to work. We can calculate this probability using the multiplication rule:

P(system works) = P(subsystem 3 and 4 work) * P(subsystem 1 or 2 work)
= 0.4356 * 1
= 0.4356

Therefore, the probability that the system works is 0.4356, or 43.56%.