Two cars AandB travel along the same road in the Sam direction from the Same starting place.Car A maintains

speed of 50km/h and car B 60km/h,but starts one hour later. how many hours will take for B to overtake A?

both go distance d

car A takes time t
car b takes time (t - 1)

d = 50 t
d = 60 (t - 1)
50 t = 60 t - 60
10 t = 60
t = 6

To determine how many hours it will take for Car B to overtake Car A, we need to consider the relative speed between the two cars when Car B starts one hour later.

Let's assume that the time it takes for Car B to overtake Car A is represented by 't' hours. During this time, Car A would have been traveling for 't + 1' hours.

Now, let's calculate the distance covered by each car during this time:

Distance covered by Car A = Speed of Car A * Time taken by Car A = 50 km/h * (t + 1) hours = 50t + 50 km

Distance covered by Car B = Speed of Car B * Time taken by Car B = 60 km/h * t hours = 60t km

Since Car B overtakes Car A, their distances covered will be equal:

50t + 50 = 60t

Simplifying the equation:

50 = 10t

t = 5

Therefore, it will take Car B 5 hours to overtake Car A.