Hi, Can you please check my sentences to see if I have the used verbs that are in the conditional correctly and also if they do not make sense tell me what I did wrong and if possible tell me what corrections I should make.

Here are my sentences and the questions:
Dans un monde idéal, il n'y...
voudrait pas des guerres

Vous n'avez pas d'argent? À votre place (In your place), je/j'...
obtiendrais un emploi pour gagner de l'argent

On n'a pas cours lundi. On...
je dépenserais mon temps en examinant mes notes dans mes cours.

Dans un monde parfait, les gens...
aimeraient une autre famille comme.

C'est ton anniversaire aujourd'hui! Tu...irais à un match de la Ligue nationale de hockey et vous recevrez un autre maillot des Flames de Calgary.

I sent this to Sra.

Again, if they were numbered, it would be much easier for me. Unnumbered it is SO difficult to keep track of where I am, having to shift my eyes up and down, etc.

1. Because of the negeative, change des to de = pas de guerres.

2. j'obtendrais (liason = 2 vowels together).

3. Wasn't it "pas de cours?" If On is the subject and not "je" = On obtendrait

4. It can't end with "comme" as the last word!

5. There is not just ONE verb so there is another one to change = recevriez, BUT the biggest problem is that you need to decide on the verb. Are you "Tu" being familiar OR "vous" being formal or plural.
Tu irais + tu recevrais
vous iriez + vous recevriez

I'll flag this one as well and come back in a while.

Sra (aka Mme)

Here are some suggestions to improve the sentences by correcting the verbs in the conditional tense and addressing any other issues:

1. Dans un monde idéal, il n'y aurait pas de guerres.
- Correction: The verb "voudraient" should be replaced with "aurait" to match the subject "il" and be in the conditional tense.

2. Vous n'avez pas d'argent? À votre place, je trouverais un emploi pour gagner de l'argent.
- Correction: The verb "obtiendrais" should be replaced with "trouverais" to match the subject "je" and be in the conditional tense. Additionally, it is more appropriate to use the verb "trouverais" (find) instead of "obtiendrais" (obtain) in this context.

3. On n'a pas cours lundi. Je passerais mon temps à réviser mes notes de cours.
- Corrections: The verb "dépenserais" should be replaced with "passerais" to match the subject "je" and be in the conditional tense. Additionally, it is more accurate to use "réviser" (revise) instead of "examiner" (examine) when referring to reviewing notes.

4. Dans un monde parfait, les gens aimeraient avoir une autre famille.
- Corrections: The verb "aimeraient" should be modified to "aimeraient avoir" to mean "would like to have" in the conditional tense. Additionally, the sentence is incomplete, and it's necessary to complete it by adding an object after "comme" (like).

5. C'est ton anniversaire aujourd'hui! Tu irais à un match de la Ligue nationale de hockey et tu recevrais un autre maillot des Flames de Calgary.
- Corrections: The pronoun "vous" should be replaced with "tu" for consistency. Additionally, "recevrez" should be replaced with "recevrais" to match the conditional tense.