What is one conflict that represents a cause and effect relationship in the story dragon wings.

help me pls

One conflict that represents a cause and effect relationship in the story "Dragonwings" is the conflict between Moon Shadow's desire for education and his father Windrider's fear of him getting too close to the "white demons."

Cause: Moon Shadow expresses his eagerness to attend school and learn about American culture and language. He sees education as a pathway to greater opportunities and a way to bridge the gap between the Chinese immigrant community and the American society in San Francisco's Chinatown.

Effect: Windrider, being fearful of the negative influences of the "white demons," believes that education might lead to Moon Shadow abandoning his Chinese heritage and cultural values. As a result, Windrider initially opposes Moon Shadow's desire for education and discourages him from attending school. This conflict between Moon Shadow's pursuit of education and Windrider's fear creates tension and challenges the father-son relationship throughout the story.

To identify a conflict that represents a cause and effect relationship in the story "Dragonwings," you would need to analyze the cause of the conflict and its subsequent effect on the plot or characters. Here's how you can find such a conflict:

1. Read or review the story: Gain familiarity with the key events, characters, and themes in the novel "Dragonwings" by Laurence Yep.
2. Identify major conflicts: Look for significant conflicts that are central to the story. Consider conflicts between characters, conflicts between a character and society, or internal conflicts within a character.
3. Establish cause and effect: Examine the conflicts and determine the cause and its corresponding effect. The cause will be the event or situation that leads to the conflict, while the effect will be the outcome or consequence resulting from the conflict.
4. Evaluate the relationship: Assess whether the cause and effect relationship is clear and prominent in the story. The effect should be a direct result of the cause and impact the narrative or characters significantly.

By following these steps, you can identify a conflict in "Dragonwings" that exhibits a cause and effect relationship within the story.

Read this to learn what "cause and effect" means:


If you have read the book, look for something that happens, or something someone does, that has a consequential event or causes someone else to do something, feel some way...

Like, if you tell me I have an ugly nose, it might hurt my feelings. Or if you flatten the tires on my car, I will be unable to go to work. Or if no one will hire a man because he's Chinese, the effect is that the Chinese man's family may go hungry. These are causes and effects.