Which of the following would be an example of Abadinsky’s approach of increasing law enforcement authority?

A. Putting more police officers on the streets

B. Decriminalizing the use of narcotics

C. Passing tougher racketeering laws

D. Developing job-training initiatives

is it C

Who is Abadansky and what does your text say about him?


Yes, the correct answer is C. Passing tougher racketeering laws. This option aligns with Abadinsky's approach of increasing law enforcement authority. To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and evaluate each option:

A. Putting more police officers on the streets: While this option may enhance law enforcement presence, it does not align with Abadinsky's approach of increasing law enforcement authority specifically.

B. Decriminalizing the use of narcotics: Abadinsky's approach focuses on increasing law enforcement authority, whereas decriminalizing narcotics would reduce law enforcement involvement in drug-related offenses. Therefore, this option is not aligned with Abadinsky's approach.

C. Passing tougher racketeering laws: This option is in line with Abadinsky's approach, as it involves strengthening laws related to organized crime and criminal enterprises, giving law enforcement increased authority to combat such activities.

D. Developing job-training initiatives: While job-training initiatives may be beneficial for social and economic reasons, they do not directly align with Abadinsky's approach of increasing law enforcement authority.

Taking all these factors into account, we can conclude that the correct answer is C. Passing tougher racketeering laws.