Just War Theory asserts that military intervention

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Just War Theory asserts that military intervention can be justified under certain circumstances. It is a moral and ethical framework that provides guidelines for evaluating when the use of force in warfare is justified. The theory aims to limit the destructive impact of armed conflict by establishing criteria that must be met for a war to be considered morally just.

To determine whether a military intervention is justified, Just War Theory proposes two main categories of criteria: jus ad bellum (the right to go to war) and jus in bello (the right conduct in war). Let's explore each category in more detail:

1. Jus ad bellum:
a. Just Cause: Military intervention must have a just cause, such as self-defense or the defense of others from aggression, to rectify a serious wrong, or to restore rights that have been violated.
b. Right Intention: The intention behind initiating the war must be morally sound, aiming to establish peace, restore justice, or protect innocent lives.
c. Last Resort: All peaceful alternatives and diplomatic negotiations should be exhausted before resorting to armed conflict.
d. Proportional Response: The response and the degree of force used in the intervention should be proportionate to the harm being prevented or redressed. Excessive force should be avoided.
e. Probability of Success: There should be a reasonable chance of success in achieving the intended goals of the intervention.

2. Jus in bello:
a. Discrimination: During the course of the war, combatants must distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, targeting only military personnel, infrastructure, and resources. Deliberate attacks on civilians and non-military targets are prohibited.
b. Proportionality: The harm caused by military action must be proportional to the military objective sought. Excessive harm to civilians or non-military targets should be avoided.

These criteria provide a framework to assess whether a military intervention is morally justifiable. It is important to note that Just War Theory is a subject of ongoing debate and interpretation, and its application can vary depending on the context and perspectives involved.