Lesikar's business communication chapter 2 familiar words 4-20 's answer

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I don't' have Lasikar's book. Tell me what it says and I'll try to explain what it means, if that's your problem.

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have access to specific textbooks like Lesikar's Business Communication. However, I can assist you in understanding how to find the answers you need within the textbook.

To find the answer to the question about familiar words in Chapter 2 of Lesikar's Business Communication, you should follow these steps:

1. Start by obtaining a copy of the textbook either physically or digitally. Check if you have the latest edition, as different editions might have variations in content.

2. Once you have the textbook, navigate to Chapter 2, or find the table of contents to locate the specific section titled "Familiar Words."

3. Within that section, carefully read the content and text surrounding the familiar words. Make sure to pay attention to any highlighted or defined terms and their explanations.

4. Scan through the text to identify relevant information that directly answers your question or addresses the specific words you are looking for (in this case, words 4-20).

5. If the answer is not immediately apparent, you can try using the index at the back of the textbook to search for the specific words or concepts. Look for page numbers or references that might direct you to the relevant section.

6. Additionally, consider utilizing the textbook's feature, such as chapter summaries, review questions, or supplemental resources, which may provide further explanations and examples related to the familiar words.

By following these steps and actively engaging with the textbook, you should be able to find the answer to the question about familiar words in Lesikar's Business Communication, specifically in Chapter 2.