Two oil Wells are 4 km and 6 km from the river. The points along the river are 8 km apart. Find the common loading point on the river.

To find the common loading point on the river, we need to determine where the distances from both oil wells to the river are equal. Let's call the common loading point "X."

Distance of the first oil well from the river = 4 km
Distance of the second oil well from the river = 6 km
Distance between the points along the river = 8 km

Now, let's assume that the distance between the common loading point (X) and the first oil well is 'x' km. Therefore, the distance between the common loading point (X) and the second oil well would be '8 - x' km, as the distance between the points along the river is 8 km.

Using this information, we can set up an equation:

x + (8 - x) = 6
(8 - x) + x = 4

Simplifying these equations will give us:

8 = 6
8 = 4

However, we can see that these equations do not have a solution. This means that there is no common loading point on the river that is equidistant from both oil wells. Therefore, the given scenario does not have a valid solution.