do not know how to set formula/

Brady joins band of 44 students.
8 play oboe.
1/2 as may play clarinet as flute. How many play each instument



I actually think that your equation is correct.

8 +[1/2f + f] = 44
___[1/2f + f] = 36
__1[1/2f + f] = 36 Distribute to get rid of brackets.
_____1/2f + f = 36
Multiply every term by 2.(Opposite number of 1/2.)
_______f + 2f = 72
Add all like terms on left side.
___________3f = 72
Divide by 3 on both sides.
____________f = 24

In order to find the number for clarinets, you should be able to do this equation:

8 + c + 24 = 44

Now, I think you might be able to do the rest, so please try to do the rest.

I hope this helps! :)

P.S. Once I saw that the problem had my name, I knew I had to try to help.

number who play clarinet --- x

number who play flute ----- 2x , (notice how I avoided fractions?)

2x + x + 8 = 44
3x = 36
x = 12

So 12 play clarinet, 24 play flute and 8 play oboe

To solve this problem, you need to set up a system of equations based on the given information. Let's assign variables to the unknowns:

Let f represent the number of students who play the flute.
Since half as many play the clarinet as the flute, we can assign the variable c to the number of students who play the clarinet.
Finally, let's assign variable o to the number of students who play the oboe.

Now, we can set up the equations based on the given information:

1) There are 44 total students in the band: f + c + o = 44

2) There are 8 students who play the oboe: o = 8

3) Half as many play the clarinet as the flute: c = (1/2)f
(Since it states that 1/2 as many play clarinet as flute, we can represent this relationship using fractions)

Now, you can substitute the value of o from equation 2 into equation 1:

f + c + 8 = 44

Next, substitute the value of c from equation 3 into the modified equation 1:

f + (1/2)f + 8 = 44

Combine like terms:

(3/2)f + 8 = 44

Subtract 8 from both sides:

(3/2)f = 36

To find f, multiply both sides by (2/3):

f = (2/3) * 36

Simplifying the right side of the equation:

f = 24

Now we can determine the other values.

Using equation 2:
o = 8

Using equation 3:
c = (1/2)f
c = (1/2) * 24
c = 12

Therefore, there are 24 students who play the flute, 12 students who play the clarinet, and 8 students who play the oboe.