Which organ sterilizes ingested food?

A. Stomach
B. Liver
C. Salivary glands
D. Pancreas

The correct answer is A. Stomach.

To understand why the stomach sterilizes ingested food, let's break down the process:

1. Salivary glands: Salivary glands produce saliva, which contains enzymes that begin the process of breaking down food. However, saliva does not sterilize the food.

2. Liver: The liver has several functions, such as detoxifying chemicals and metabolizing nutrients, but it does not directly sterilize ingested food.

3. Pancreas: The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. While the pancreas assists in digestion, it does not sterilize the food.

4. Stomach: The stomach plays a crucial role in the digestion process. It produces digestive juices that contain hydrochloric acid, which helps kill or inactivate harmful bacteria and viruses present in food. This sterilization process helps protect the body from potential infections.

Therefore, the stomach is the organ responsible for sterilizing ingested food.