I need help with my math pizzazz worksheet page 167




Do you know the method of determinants?


1) D= -2.6+5=2.4
then x= (-26+25)/D
and y= (6.5-13)/D

2. D= 2.7*(-4)-(3*(-2)= you do it.
then x= (2.7*19-3(-1))/D

try this, most of it can on a 2x2 be done in your head.

and you can CHECK your answers here

To solve these systems of equations, you can use different methods such as substitution, elimination, or graphing. I will explain the substitution method in this case.

1. To solve the system of equations:
1. Start with the first equation: 1) 3x - 5y = 13.
2. Solve this equation for x: 3x = 13 + 5y (add 5y to both sides).
3. Divide both sides by 3 to get x: x = (13 + 5y)/3.
4. Substitute this expression for x into the second equation: (13 + 5y)/3 - 2y = 5.
5. Solve this equation for y: Multiply through by 3 to eliminate the denominator. Simplify and solve for y.
6. Once you find the value of y, substitute it back into either of the original equations to find the value of x.

2. For the second system of equations:
1. Start with the first equation: 2) 7x - 2y = -1.
2. Solve this equation for x: 7x = -1 + 2y (add 2y to both sides).
3. Divide both sides by 7 to get x: x = (-1 + 2y)/7.
4. Substitute this expression for x into the second equation: (-1 + 2y)/7 - 4y = 19.
5. Solve this equation for y: Multiply through by 7 to eliminate the denominator. Simplify and solve for y.
6. Once you find the value of y, substitute it back into either of the original equations to find the value of x.

3. For the third system of equations:
1. Start with the first equation: 3) 2x + 3y = 7.
2. Solve this equation for x: 2x = 7 - 3y (subtract 3y from both sides).
3. Divide both sides by 2 to get x: x = (7 - 3y)/2.
4. Substitute this expression for x into the second equation: (7 - 3y)/2 + 4y = 10.
5. Solve this equation for y: Multiply through by 2 to eliminate the denominator. Simplify and solve for y.
6. Once you find the value of y, substitute it back into either of the original equations to find the value of x.

By following these steps, you should be able to solve each system of equations and find the values of x and y.

1/2t + 6 = -7

where is integer or fraction
