What survival tactics were used in the 1933 Ukraine Genocide?


Read LOTS, and take good notes.

The 1933 Ukraine Genocide, also known as the Holodomor, was a man-made famine intentionally orchestrated by the Soviet government, resulting in the deaths of millions of Ukrainians. During this devastating period, individuals and families were forced to employ various survival tactics to endure the dire circumstances. Here are some survival tactics that were employed during the 1933 Ukraine Genocide:

1. Secret food hoarding: Despite severe penalties if caught, many Ukrainians resorted to hiding and preserving small quantities of food in concealed spaces, such as underground cellars or behind false walls. This allowed them to have a hidden stash of provisions, providing a lifeline during times of extreme scarcity.

How to get more information: You can read personal accounts and survivor testimonies, watch documentaries, or access historical archives from that time period to learn about the tactics employed by Ukrainians during the Holodomor.

2. Bartering and trade: Due to the scarcity of food, people often resorted to bartering or trading goods and services. This allowed them to acquire essential items, such as grains or potatoes, through exchanges rather than relying solely on the meager rations provided by the government.

How to get more information: To understand the bartering and trade networks during the Holodomor, you can consult historical records, interviews with survivors, or scholarly books and articles that delve into the socio-economic dynamics of the time.

3. Consuming alternative food sources: With the severe shortage of staple food items like bread and grain, Ukrainians turned to alternative sources of nutrition. They consumed grasses, weeds, and tree bark to satisfy their hunger. Some resorted to hunting small animals, such as birds or rodents, as additional sources of protein.

How to get more information: You can explore firsthand accounts and memoirs, scientific journals, or scholarly research to understand the specific alternative food sources Ukrainians relied on during the Holodomor.

4. Migration and relocation: In an attempt to find better access to food resources, some individuals and families chose to migrate or relocate from heavily affected areas to regions where the impact of the famine was relatively less severe. This relocation allowed them to escape the worst consequences of the genocide and improve their chances of survival.

How to get more information: History books, newspaper articles, governmental reports, or academic studies can provide insights into the patterns of migration and relocation during the 1933 Ukraine Genocide.

It is important to remember that these survival tactics were employed under extreme circumstances and often carried significant risks. The Holodomor was a tragic event that claimed the lives of millions of Ukrainians, and studying it helps us understand the importance of preserving human dignity and preventing such atrocities in the future.