What do I put in my enterprise security plan proposal? I need to cover the ten domains of Information Security Common Body of Knowledge propose the IT Security controls for the organization that you have chosen to write this for. I just need help on what exactly I am supposed to write. I picked walmart for my company.

When writing an enterprise security plan proposal for Walmart, it is essential to cover the ten domains of Information Security Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) and propose IT security controls specific to the organization. Here's a step-by-step guide on what to include in your proposal:

1. Executive Summary:
- Provide an overview of the proposal.
- Summarize the major points, benefits, and objectives of the security plan.

2. Introduction:
- Introduce Walmart as the chosen organization.
- Explain the importance of an enterprise security plan for the organization.

3. Scope and Objectives:
- Clearly define the scope of the security plan.
- State the objectives of the plan, such as protecting sensitive information, ensuring compliance, and minimizing security risks.

4. Regulatory Compliance:
- Identify relevant regulations and standards applicable to Walmart, such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, or GDPR.
- Explain how the proposed security controls align with these regulations.

5. Risk Assessment:
- Conduct a thorough risk assessment specific to Walmart.
- Identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts on the organization's operations.
- Prioritize risks based on likelihood and potential impact.

6. Security Policies and Procedures:
- Develop and propose comprehensive security policies and procedures for Walmart.
- Cover areas such as access control, data classification, incident response, and backup procedures.
- Ensure adherence to industry best practices and standards.

7. Physical Security:
- Discuss measures to secure physical assets, including Walmart's stores, warehouses, and data centers.
- Address topics such as surveillance systems, access controls, and visitor management.

8. Network Security:
- Propose measures to safeguard Walmart's network infrastructure.
- Cover topics such as firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, VPNs, and network segmentation.

9. System Security:
- Focus on securing Walmart's information systems, including servers, databases, and endpoints.
- Discuss topics such as antivirus, patch management, secure configurations, and system hardening.

10. Application Security:
- Address the security of Walmart's applications, both internally developed and third-party.
- Discuss secure coding practices, regular vulnerability assessments, and secure authentication mechanisms.

11. Incident Response:
- Propose an incident response plan tailored to Walmart's needs.
- Provide a step-by-step procedure to detect, analyze, contain, eradicate, and recover from security incidents.

12. Security Awareness and Training:
- Highlight the importance of employee security awareness and propose a training program for Walmart's staff.
- Educate employees about security policies, procedures, and potential risks like phishing or social engineering.

13. Security Governance and Compliance Monitoring:
- Suggest a governance framework to ensure ongoing compliance with security controls.
- Discuss regular monitoring, audits, and reporting to assess the effectiveness of the plan.

14. Conclusion:
- Summarize the proposed security controls for each domain of the CBK.
- Emphasize the benefits and expected outcomes of implementing the security plan.

15. Appendices:
- Include any supporting documentation, frameworks, or diagrams related to the proposal.
- Provide references and citations for regulatory requirements or industry standards.

Remember, this is a broad guide, and you can adapt it based on the specific needs and requirements of Walmart.

To develop an enterprise security plan proposal, specifically covering the ten domains of Information Security Common Body of Knowledge (CBK), and propose IT security controls for Walmart, consider following these steps:

1. Introduction:
- Begin with an overview of the purpose and scope of the proposal.
- Provide a brief background of Walmart's business operations.
- Mention the importance of a comprehensive enterprise security plan.

2. Governance and Risk Management:
- Explain how Walmart's governance framework ensures effective information security management.
- Highlight the processes for identifying, assessing, and managing security risks.
- Discuss how risk management decisions are aligned with business objectives.

3. Asset Security:
- Identify and describe the various types of assets Walmart possesses (physical, digital, intellectual, etc.).
- Define processes for asset classification, ownership, and protection.
- Discuss the controls in place to secure the assets from unauthorized access, theft, or damage.

4. Security Architecture and Engineering:
- Explain how Walmart's IT infrastructure and systems are designed to ensure security.
- Discuss the secure design principles followed in the development and deployment of IT systems.
- Outline the technical controls in place, such as firewalls, encryption, access controls, etc.

5. Communication and Network Security:
- Describe the network architecture and communication channels used by Walmart.
- Explain the measures taken to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data in transit.
- Discuss the security controls implemented to protect against unauthorized access or interception.

6. Identity and Access Management:
- Outline the processes and mechanisms used to manage user identities and access rights at Walmart.
- Explain how identities are authenticated and access is granted based on appropriate authorization levels.
- Discuss the implementation of multi-factor authentication, least privilege principle, and access controls.

7. Security Operations:
- Discuss the processes for monitoring, detecting, and responding to security incidents at Walmart.
- Explain the use of security information and event management (SIEM) tools and intrusion detection systems.
- Describe the incident response plan, including roles, responsibilities, and coordination with external parties.

8. Security Assessment and Testing:
- Explain the methods employed to assess and test the effectiveness of Walmart's security controls.
- Discuss vulnerability management, penetration testing, and periodic security assessments.
- Describe how security findings and weaknesses are remediated and tracked.

9. Security in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC):
- Highlight Walmart's secure software development practices.
- Discuss the integration of security controls throughout the SDLC phases.
- Explain how security is ensured in the application development, testing, and deployment processes.

10. Physical and Environmental Security:
- Describe the physical security measures implemented at Walmart's facilities.
- Discuss access controls, security guards, surveillance systems, and visitor management procedures.
- Highlight measures taken to prevent theft, damage, or unauthorized access to physical assets.

11. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points covered in the proposal.
- Emphasize the importance of implementing these IT security controls for Walmart.
- Reiterate the value of a comprehensive enterprise security plan in protecting Walmart's information assets.

Remember, the above steps provide a general framework for developing an enterprise security plan proposal. Make sure to conduct thorough research on Walmart's specific security requirements, industry best practices, and regulatory compliance to tailor your proposal accordingly.