At which points do the lines intersect


A. 0,8
B. 3,-2
C. 2,4
D. 1,6

from the 1st ---- y = 8-2x

so 8 - 2x = -3(x-3)
8-2x = -3x + 9
x = 1

in y = 8-2x, y = 8-2 = 6

looks like D

bruh why did they change the name of this app T-T -_-

To find the points where two lines intersect, we need to solve the system of equations formed by the equations of the lines.

Given the equations:
1) 2x + y = 8
2) y = -3(x-3)

Let's solve these equations to find the points of intersection:

We can start by substituting equation 2 into equation 1 to eliminate the "y" variable:

2x + (-3(x-3)) = 8

Expanding the brackets:
2x - 3x + 9 = 8

Combining like terms:
-x + 9 = 8

Rearranging the equation to isolate x:
-x = 8 - 9
-x = -1

Dividing both sides by -1 (or multiplying both sides by -1):
x = 1

Now that we have the value of x, we can substitute it back into equation 2 to find the corresponding value of y:

y = -3(1-3)
y = -3(-2)
y = 6

So, the coordinates of the point of intersection are (1, 6).

Now let's check the answer choices to see which one matches our solution:

A. 0,8: This is not the correct answer because we found the point of intersection to be (1, 6).

B. 3,-2: This is not the correct answer as it does not match our solution of (1, 6).

C. 2,4: This is not the correct answer as it does not match our solution of (1, 6).

D. 1,6: This is the correct answer as it matches the point of intersection we found.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. 1,6