what about the outsiders i know its miss caroline but who else?

In order to determine the characters in the book "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton, you can consult the book itself or search online. However, to help you out, let me provide you with a list of some of the major characters in the novel:

1. Ponyboy Curtis: He is the protagonist and the story is told from his perspective.

2. Darrel "Darry" Curtis: Ponyboy's oldest brother, who becomes the family's sole provider and tries to keep them together after the death of their parents.

3. Sodapop Curtis: Ponyboy's other brother, who is known for his good looks and charm.

4. Dallas "Dally" Winston: A tough and rebellious member of the greaser gang, who feels protective of Johnny and Ponyboy.

5. Johnny Cade: Ponyboy's best friend, who is quiet and sensitive. He becomes a pivotal character in the story.

6. Two-Bit Mathews: Another member of Ponyboy's gang, known for his wit and often providing comic relief.

7. Steve Randle: Sodapop's best friend and a member of the greaser gang.

These are just a few of the central characters in "The Outsiders." I encourage you to read the book or explore more online to get a more detailed understanding of the characters and their roles in the story.