Sarah has two part-time jobs and needs to earn at least $300 total per week. Job A pays her $10 an hour and job B pays $7.50 an hour. Write an inequality that represents this scenario. Name and label your variables, such as Job A= x.

Job A: X hours/wk.

Job B: Y hours/wk.

10x + 7.5y => $300

job B:

Let's name and label our variables:

Job A = x (representing the number of hours worked at Job A)
Job B = y (representing the number of hours worked at Job B)

Now, let's determine the weekly earnings for each job:
Job A: $10/hour * x hours = $10x
Job B: $7.50/hour * y hours = $7.50y

Since Sarah needs to earn at least $300 in total per week, we can write the inequality as follows:
$10x + $7.50y ≥ $300

So, the inequality representing this scenario is:
10x + 7.50y ≥ 300