14 Your brother is going to serve in the military overseas for four years and asks you about storing his computer in a public storage facility while he is away. The storage unit is not temperature controlled. What could be the negative impact of doing this?

a. The internal components could overheat in the summertime.
b. the processor could freeze in the wintertime.
c. The memory modules could loose any stored data.
d. Data on the hard drive can become corrupted.

The negative impact of storing a computer in a non-temperature controlled storage unit could include the following:

a. The internal components could overheat in the summertime: If the storage unit gets too hot during the summer, the lack of adequate ventilation or cooling could cause the internal components of the computer to overheat. Overheating can lead to damage to the computer's components, such as the motherboard, graphics card, or CPU.

b. The processor could freeze in the wintertime: Similarly, if the storage unit becomes extremely cold during winter, the low temperatures can cause the processor or other sensitive components to freeze. Freezing can potentially lead to irreversible damage.

c. The memory modules could lose any stored data: Non-temperature controlled storage units are prone to temperature fluctuations, which can negatively affect the data stored in the computer's memory modules. High temperatures can cause data loss or corruption, potentially leading to the loss of important files or documents.

d. Data on the hard drive can become corrupted: Extreme temperature variations can also affect the hard drive's performance. Freezing temperatures can cause the lubrication on hard drive platters to become less effective, leading to mechanical failure and potential data loss. Similarly, excessive heat can cause the hard drive to fail, resulting in the loss of stored data.

To mitigate these risks, it is advisable to store a computer in a temperature-controlled environment while avoiding extreme temperature fluctuations. If storing in a non-temperature controlled unit is the only option, it is recommended to take additional precautions such as wrapping the computer in an anti-static bag and placing it in a sturdy box to protect it from physical damage.