Nora is making a donation box for her store. She wants to wrap a cardboard box with decorative paper. She is wrapping the sides and the bottom of the box and uses the expression below to find out how many square feet of paper she will need to buy.

4 x 3 x 4 + 32 exponet 2

Using this expression, how much paper, in square feet, will Nora need to buy to cover the box?

4*3*4 = 12*4 = 48

32*32 = 1024
1024 + 48 = 1072

That is a HUGE box. Are you sure it is 32 feet long and wide and not 32 inches ?
If it were inches, you would divide that answer by 12*12 = 144 to get square feet
1072/144 = 7.44 square feet. In any case either the sides or the bottom measurements are wrong. You have a typo or several of them.


To find out how much decorative paper Nora will need to buy to cover the box, we need to evaluate the expression: 4 x 3 x 4 + 32^2.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Calculate 32^2: This means 32 raised to the power of 2. When we raise a number to the power of 2, it means multiplying the number by itself. So, 32^2 = 32 * 32 = 1024.

2. Now, substitute the value of 32^2 into the expression: 4 x 3 x 4 + 1024.

3. Next, perform the multiplication: 4 x 3 = 12, then multiply 12 by 4, which gives us 48.

4. Finally, add 48 to 1024: 48 + 1024 = 1072.

Therefore, Nora will need to buy 1072 square feet of paper to cover the box.