seeing an error message on the screen after you click on a link or icon may indicate that your pc doesn't have the correct ? to view the information your looking for

b.plug ins

my answer is a

Do you know what "ISP" stands for?

Do you know what a "plug-in" is?

Isp means internet service provider

plug in means to connect something to a power source

so my answer is plug ins

Plug ins is correct.

This term "plug-ins" refers to extra add-on programs that make a website work differently/better for you. For example, I have AdBlockPlus as a plug-in for Chrome, so I see very few ads on any webpages I go into.

The correct answer would actually be b. plug-ins.

When you see an error message on your screen after clicking on a link or icon, it often means that your PC does not have the necessary plug-ins installed to view the information you are trying to access. Plug-ins are software components that add specific features or functionality to your web browser or computer system.

To view certain types of content, such as multimedia elements or interactive features on websites, you may need to have specific plug-ins installed on your PC. Examples of popular plug-ins include Adobe Flash Player, Java, or Silverlight.

If you encounter an error message indicating that your PC doesn't have the correct plug-ins, you can take the following steps to address the issue:

1. Identify the specific plug-in that is needed: The error message may provide information about the required plug-in, or you can check the website or application documentation for the necessary plug-in details.

2. Download and install the required plug-in: Go to the official website of the plug-in provider (e.g., Adobe, Oracle) and search for the download page. Follow the instructions provided to download and install the plug-in on your PC.

3. Restart your web browser: After installing the plug-in, close and reopen your web browser to ensure that the changes take effect.

4. Test the link or icon again: Once the plug-in is installed and your browser is restarted, try clicking on the link or icon that previously triggered the error message. If the correct plug-in was indeed the issue, the content should now be displayed correctly.

Remember to only download plug-ins from trusted sources to avoid any potential security risks.