if the ----- is showing, the sling is not safe for use.

If the sling is showing signs of damage or wear, it is not safe for use. Here are the steps to assess the safety of a sling:

1. Inspect the sling for any visible tears, cuts, or frayed webbing. If you notice any of these signs, do not use the sling.
2. Check the stitching along the edges of the sling. If you see any loose threads or if the stitching appears weak or worn, the sling should not be used.
3. Examine the hardware, such as metal buckles or hooks, on the sling. Ensure they are securely attached and in good working condition. If any hardware is broken, distorted, or rusted, the sling should not be considered safe for use.
4. Check for any signs of chemical or heat damage on the sling material. If there are any visible signs of damage due to exposure to harsh chemicals or excessive heat, the sling should not be used.
5. Make sure all labels and markings on the sling are legible. These labels often provide important information about the sling's safe working load and usage guidelines. If you cannot read or understand the labels, it is best not to use the sling.

Remember, the safety of the sling is crucial to prevent accidents or injuries during lifting or rigging operations. If you have any doubts about the sling's condition, it is recommended to replace it with a new one or consult an expert for further assessment.

The missing phrase in your question could be "red indicator," as it is commonly used in various safety devices to indicate that something is not safe for use. However, without more context, it is challenging to determine the exact missing phrase. Could you please provide more details or specify the specific device or situation you are referring to?

That depends on the type of material the sling is made from, but many synthetic slings have "indicators" that if they show then the wear has progressed to the point where the sling should not be used.

See http://www.blm.gov/pgdata/etc/medialib/blm/az/pdfs/energy/mohave/feis/pod/hsse.Par.88869.File.pdf/021-Attach_U_Rigging.pdf

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